Menopause, when still a teenager

“I have never had a period, so I have not know any different

Fay loved talking to Hollie and she has shown what resilience looks like!

Hollie’s puberty collided with her being menopausal, which she only found out after she dropped out of school at age 15 due to severe anxiety and depression. 

After numerous tests to find out why her period had not started, she was told she was in menopause…it has not been easy for her, but she has come out smiling, learning what she is capable of and a love for dancing! 

I am so pleased she agreed to tell me her story - Menopause awareness is not just for those that have reached a certain age, as Hollie navigated it without any guidance or support and she herself says it would have been great to have someone who understood what it was like, at such a young age.

Check out the interview here


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