Fay’s Fitness Story
As women enter the menopause phase they are prone to osteoporosis, this is because the oestrogen hormone starts to decline. Oestrogen in women is important for maintaining healthy bones and bone density. This is why exercise is so important as we get older - brittle bone is known as the silent killer…as you do not know you have it until it is too late.
“I love the way exercise makes you feel, I just hated doing it.”
In my 20’s, 30’s and 40’s I weaved in and out (more out) of exercise and I have always said I love the way exercise makes you feel, I just hated doing it. However I did learn to swim in my 40’s, I know I was a late starter! When I was in my late 30’s a friend who had already started the menopause, said to me “do not wait until the menopause to start exercising”. I of course completely ignored her and waited until I was 50 and menopausal and after reading up on it, I started weight training which is proven to help build bone density.
Doing weight training has also benefited me in so many other ways; I am more aware of my body and what it can do, it has made me more conscious of what I put in my body and mentally it's a game changer! How have I managed to make this stick? Find something that you want to do and find a gym or studio that you feel comfortable in. Deciding to get fit is daunting enough and if you do not feel comfortable, it is very likely you won't stick at it.
I currently work out 5 x a week and I am now at the stage where when I do not train I really feel it. I can’t imagine not working out, this is now part of my lifestyle.